If you’re a yoga practitioner or teacher, you may have considered documenting your practice through professional photos. You may want photos to share your teaching and classes on social media, promote a workshop or retreat, or to simply capture where you are in your practice today. You may also consider taking regular photos as a form of self exploration and witness your growth and transformation throughout the years. Whether you choose to share the photos or keep them personal, investing in professional photos is a lovely way to honor your practice and capture the evolution and journey along your yogic path. As a yoga teacher and a photographer, I share with you some of my favorite tips to prepare for your photo shoot and capture the deepest essence, truth and beauty of your practice. 

1. Choose your location.

What kind of feeling would you like to evoke through your images? Is there a part of nature that is calling to you these days? Is it the grounding of the redwood trees? The fluidity of the ocean? The openness of a grassy meadow? Before your photo shoot, spend some time to meditate or journal about the places that inspire you and your practice.

2. Pick your outfit. 

Choose clothes that are simple and comfortable for movement. Form fitted clothes tend to be best for capturing the shape of postures. For some variation and texture, consider bringing a nice shawl or a scarf that will drape nicely and flow beautifully with the wind. Neutral and muted color tones work well within nature. Avoid distracting elements like strong patterns and logos or bright, saturated colors that can create color casts on the skin. 

3. Come as you are.

There’s no need to be “more advanced” or further along in your practice before taking photos. There is beauty in your evolution and every step along your journey. The way you sit in meditation. The movement of your arms as you reach up towards the sky. The connection of your feet as they touch the earth. Every detail is a unique, important part of your personal practice. Taking photos is such a loving way to honor and celebrate where you are today and how far you’ve come. 

4. Settle into your space.

On the day of your photo shoot, take a moment to notice and arrive into your environment and space. Warm up your body and breath - there's no need to rush. Slowing down helps prevent injuries and allows us to move from a place of awareness and intention. As you breath in, take in your surroundings. As you breathe out, settle into the earth.

5. Move intuitively.

Let your body move freely and intuitively, as though it is moving itself. How does your body want to move and flow in this moment? What feels good right now? Moving from a place of inner wisdom allows us to capture the deepest essence and truth of the practice.

6. Think about what you love.

What do you love to practice or teach? What is it that you'd like to capture and share with the world (or just for yourself!). Is there something you're working on in your practice that you would like to be remembered? Connect your hand to your heart and listen for the answers.

More tips

  • Make sure that your nails are clean. This is a detail that can get easily overlooked! Dirt or debris can be distracting and especially noticeable in close ups that include your hands or feet. 

  • Consider bringing a few items that are unique to your practice. Do you enjoy using singing bowls or other sound instruments? Is there a piece on your altar that you would like to be photographed? Something as simple as a few flowers can bring so much beauty and personality into your photos. Keep in mind if you are traveling far to pack lightly or bring a wagon or a backpack to help carry your belongings. 

  • Find a photographer who also practices yoga (hi, that’s me!). It is tremendously helpful to have a photographer who can also help guide you with alignment, inspiration and the subtle details of the practice.

Ready to capture the beauty of your practice?

"Beautiful experience to work with Masha. She has a very discerning artistic eye and has a way of capturing the essence of each person and moment."

—Charina C.